ESG is now under vicious attack, and it is fascinating to observe how broad the spectrum of those who hate the idea are. It is easy to become despondent in the face of this criticism. The principles of ESG are solid, but change is hard. ESG is a new regime. It says that no longer will businesses be measured by profit alone but by profit + Impact; yes – ESG in the current setup is flawed. Hence, the term Upgrading ESG.

There is increasing mandatory ESG Disclosure, Fines and Regulations. ESG is here to stay and is growing in importance. Companies can no longer afford to ignore ESG. This calls for greater ESG strategy and oversight. With this increased ESG focus, many Directors need more tools for effective ESG oversight.

The growing relevance of ESG

Upgrading ESG aims to meet this need by being a reliable source of information, and resources promoting thought leaders and solution providers.

ESG represents a substantial shift in the way companies and boards will operate their businesses. Companies and boards must take urgent action in this new ESG world.

Providing frameworks for the CEO, The CFO, the sustainability / ESG team

This changing landscape will require

Companies will need to have a comprehensive game plan

Intregration and 3rd party tools is a must have


Consider hiring outsourced professionals to assist the CEO, CFO and ESG team.


Adding ESG Drector, NED, and Head of ESG team will be a priority


The best person to handle this ESG Data is your CFO.

Upgrading ESG is promoting the concept that creating profitable businesses and building a better world are not conflicting goals.

We do this by an active LinkedIn group and a weekly blog post and have published a book by the name of Upgrading ESG- How Businesses Can Thrive in the Age of Sustainability.

This is an open collaboration and continual learning of ideas

Please join our LinkedIn group.

Or buy my book